Sunday, December 12, 2010

Forced March

Today we had a forced March. We lined up in formation at 9 pm(give or take) and marched down to a hangar here. We only knew that some dignitary was coming, we did not know who is was and really did not care. We would have much rather gone to bed as the night before we had a fallen hero ceremony for a soldier killed in action. As we walked through the door we could see off to the left, a band set up on a stage. At first we thought we were being forced to attend a Rock concert where the music was not mixed properly. The drums drowned out the singing so we were unsure of what the songs actually were.

From my vantage point on my tip toes I could see a podium with two microphones. Then I saw a soldier come across the stage and put the presidential seal on the front of the podium. Whether you voted for him or not, whether you think he has run this country into the ground or not, whether you respect him or not, I was in the same hangar with the president of the United States. It was kind of neat. Once he walked out and started to speak I was ready to leave. I came, I saw, I wanted sleep. Then he “acted” as if he was going to cry over the awarding of purples hearts. Was this a ploy to gain more votes or a sincere sadness in his heart for soldiers here, no one will ever know. I know what I believe.

Pray for the 11

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