Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Old Man in the Mirror

As I sat in the barber chair this morning I pondered, just who is this man looking back at me. Am I who I should be? Am I the father I have always strived to be? Have I loved enough, shared enough been kind enough or am I simple another man. My reflection looks old, the lines on the face are deep and it looks leathery. When did I get “OLD”? My oldest son has called me,  “old man” for several years but the man looking at me is not me, he is old. Where have all of the years gone? Have the best ones been given away to my country? If I were gone tomorrow would my memory fade as home has faded in my 5 LONG months away. Will I be remembered for anything that I have done or will I, am I simply just another Man in the mirror?  Take a little more off the top please, there is still too much gray showing.

Praying for 12

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