Wednesday, May 04, 2005

And the Walls come tumbling down

We had one heck of a storm night before last. The winds whiped and blew over lots of things. We woke in the morning to find the porta-johns(not what we call em)blown over in the middle of the street. Later on in the day we found out that around a 100 foot section of the wall had been blown over. This is the boundary between good and bad. This boundary in most areas is a sturdy structure but in many areas it consists of no more than cinder blocks stacked one on top of the other. No metal and no masonary used to set them in place just stacked. THis is a scary thought. We posted guards on the "hole" and a tank was placed there as extra fortification. Wow I feel safe. I have had dreams of someone knocking on the door late at night and then busting the door in and starting to shoot. I have traded my M4 in for a lighter and smaller 9 mm pistol. I have had thoughts of getting my M4 back and keeping it close at hand at night. They say that the "bad guys" are afraid of the 9 mm more than that of a rifle. I learned to shot the 9 MM while here and have become quite the shooter with it. I sure hope that I never have to put my skill to the test. It is fun shooting paper targets but have no urge to shoot anyone. I will however defend againist anyone who has intentions of doing harm to me, my fellow soldiers or, if found it the situation, friendly Iraqi people. Everyone deserves a chance....

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