Sunday, September 25, 2005


There are kings and kids inside us all. The mature individual is one who can balance on that fine line between the two. One who can balance between the two might be known as a success but success can also be attributed to one who can successfully hide inner feelings. Kids and kings both have times that they might hide their inner most feelings. A kid might hide the fact that he took a cookie and got away with it or that he has a fear of the “dark”. Whatever the fear it seems best not discussed. The king does the same maybe with feelings of sending his soldiers into combat or other feelings. These feelings if not exposed can bottle up into an explosion. The balanced individual can speak about what is bothering him. Whether king or kid one might say that certain things must not be hidden they must be said. If the king tells the soldiers of his feelings of sadness about sending his soldiers into combat the soldiers would have a better respect for him. If the child does not get caught he will never tell on himself and will not learn the valuable lessons of life. There are kings and kids in us all. We need to let the king live and let the kids breath to maintain a balance in life.

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