Friday, November 26, 2010

Time for a laugh

Last night at around 2000, that is 8 pm for you civilian folks. I left the office. I walked down the stairs like I always do. As I walked out into the parking lot I saw a dog in the shadows across the parking lot. Remember this is not the big city, lights are at a minimum here, so there are dark corners everywhere. So here I am all alone with this dog across the way. Since I have never seen a dog here it struck me as odd. As I walked it seemed to be following me. At one point I stopped and it stopped. I was starting to worry. The hair stood up on the back of my neck in a kind of fearful warning. I began to walk and it began to walk. As I focus on the darken side of the parking lot I came to realize that I had almost pulled my gun on my shadow. There was just enough light coming from two directions that my head appeared only 10 or 12 inches off the ground and gave the appearance of a dog. Oh, thank God I figured that one out before firing on my own shadow. I would have never lived that one down with my friends..

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