Monday, November 29, 2010

The Short Fat Man

The short fat man, who works here in Afghanistan, would like to thank all involved in his weight gain. Just yesterday he received three boxes. One loaded from top to bottom with bags of cookies. The other two loaded from granola bars, chili, refried beans, Corn chips, movies and numerous other things. He did not mention the sugar cookies or the pumpkin bread because I think his first thought was to hide these items from everyone and not share.  However after looking at the massive feast in front of him, the fat man decided that it would be impossible to eat everything that had arrived and that it was necessary to share these items with others.  Even a Short Fat man can get too much to eat.

Signed The Short Fat Man

Thank you MoM and PoP for the wonderful boxes of goodies. They will be enjoyed by all, actually have been enjoyed by all already. Breakfast this morning was Pumpkin bread and coffee with two friends, John P. and Wayne S. The Sugar cookies arrived in tact with the exception of a few broken edges. As you can tell by the picture I was already miserable yet I could not part with the two items in my hands. 

NOTE: I had to delete and cover up a couple of things in the back ground of the picture for soldier safety.

Wilma, Thank you so much for the cookies. They arrived pretty much intact and were enjoyed by many of the soldiers here yesterday.

It is great to have the support of friends and family back home. Just know that I am turning into a Short Fat Man….haha

1 comment:

Me said...

Yum!! I can't believe how fast you got your goodies!