Monday, October 24, 2005


I cannot remember if I have spoken of Maria in my blog before. Maria is the only woman member of our church service on Sunday evenings. She sits in the third row each Sunday and wears a veil covering her head during service. I did not know for many months what her nationality was I just assumed she was an American working in Iraq. When I learned that she was actually from Iraq I developed a list of questions that I wanted to ask her. I never asked her any of them because it just did not seem appropriate. These are just a couple of the questions I would have asked her given the chance. Question one: Have you been treated harshly for being a Christian here? I can only begin to imagine what it would be like to be a Christian living in this country. Think about it they would surely have to hide their bibles and read them in complete secrecy. People of the U.S. are permitted to read their bibles whenever and wherever yet so many bibles are dusty and new. I think of a basic training like ritual when it comes to her trying to read her bible at home. See in basic training there was a strict lights out policy at I believe it was 10 o’clock. After 10 the flashlights would come out and blankets would cover heads. Letters home were written this way, not because we were not allowed to write home but because this was the only time we had to do it. Can you a free citizen Imagine what it must have been like for a resident HERE in this country to study the bible. Things we take for granted.

The second question I wanted to ask was asked by a friend last night after service. The question simply put was do you think it will ever settle down over here.(the killing and bombings and such). Her answer was a quick yes. She said that not so much after the elections as after the trial. I personally was shocked at what she said next. She said once Saddam is killed that the country would become quiet once more. She explained how the bathists still believe that he (Saddam) will some how be freed and regain power once again. Once he is gone they will then begin to accept the new direction that the country is headed in.

The conversation continues, and I wondered how Jesus made his way to this country. It is strange but in my mind I just thought that Jesus only lived in the hearts of U.S. citizens. As my mind faded back into the conversation Maria exclaimed proudly that “Jesus is everywhere”. I have heard that all of my life but until this point had never really believed it, I guess. Jesus is everywhere! The Koran says something about once you are a believer of Islam you cannot be of any other religion. Yet there are Christians here. When asked if she thought Christianity would become stronger here she said that just in her home town or area, alone that there were maybe 500 to 1000 people who study the bible and believe, but quickly said that they would not tell anyone that, for fear of persecution. I hope that one day these people can study and believe as they chose to and can only hope that this in itself will not cause another Century of War…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful story in your blog today! God bless Maria and the many other Iraqi people trying to study the Bible. As far as I know, the U.S. is the only country that has total freedom of religion. Some countries are Christian believers, but the government controls the method of practice of religion. Persecution of Christians has happened in nearly every country in the world for over 2,000 years. It is the few people like Maria that will continue to carry the Christian message to the world. Praise her commitment and honor her in every thing. God bless!