Saturday, October 09, 2010


Today, in excited anticipation, I watched as the mail soldier brought the packages in. I watched as one for you one for him and then only one left.  I waited to see if perhaps my name would be called. It was wooo hooo now just have to close my eyes and pray that it is from....... is it.... could it be.... YES it is.... it is the package from Grandma and Aunt June.

First a quick smell of the box. I am not sure what I expected to smell but it smelled like cardboard. I scurry off to my office like the kid who stole a cookie out of the cookie jar and was worried about
getting in trouble. With my mouth watering and as other soldiers look on I cut the box open. 

As I slide the tray out I look and think oh my gosh they are all broken. It is a tray full of crumbs. Perhaps that is why Grandma and Aunt June put the spoons in the box. As I take the tray out with a slight hint of sadness in my heart I see it. In the back corner it appears. Is it real? I grab what appears to be a large piece from the crumbs, Wow! It is a whole cookie! Wait, there are more in there. After I "dust" the crumbs I find about two dozen cookies that are quickly devoured by all of the soldiers here. Each one said to tell "Grandma" we said thank you...

Grandma and June, thank you very much for both packages. We will put the items in the one to good use and the cookies, well, they arrived around 1 o'clock today and they are gone. Thank you, the 176th ALOC Soldiers.

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