Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Brace Yourselves.

Controlled Detonation- to detonate something in a controlled environment.
The announcement came out day before yesterday that a large bomb of some sort of bomb had been uncovered on the base. The rumor mill said it was a 1200 pound Russian bomb planted during the Russian occupation of this area. The announcement was in the form on an email that said we must stay indoors in the morning and that the mess halls would be closed. We were all anticipating an Earth shattering boom.
The night before the big "boom" we all collected extra food from the mess hall to cover us for our missed meals. There were MREs being handed out left and right. (Not to me though yuck). While at church we joked what if it was daisy chained to a bunch more and they blow up the whole base, or what if after the LARGE detonation the shaking earth sets off some of the millions of land mines still buried here on the base. We all had a good laugh.
Then morning came and we all scurried to our offices to be in a "hard" structure for the detonation.  So we wait.. Then the crackle of the speaker, the speaker system on base to warn of attacks but in this case a controlled det, "All personnel seek shelter in a hard structure".
So we wait, in an excited anticipation, for an Earth shatter boom and then without any more warning. Pffffsss, it sounded almost like an M80 firecracker going off. Since I have been here, there have been louder lightening claps and other things.  All that hype and preparation for nothing. Wow what a day, and to think I missed my morning oatmeal for that. Haha  

1 comment:

Me said...

Not funny and very funny at the same time!