Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Holy? Man

Please join me in thanking the Florida Church for burning the Koran. I am so thankful that he has decided to make this statement, a statement that should be made and proclaimed loudly and proudly. I think he should be very proud that he has endangered the lives of American Soldiers and Americans working over here. The Koran is the holy book of a religion that I might not agree with but it is not the book itself, it is the fanatics. One could say that this guy is a fanatic.

I do not agree with the majority of the religions in the United States but I do not bash them. While at Ft McCoy I came to find out that the Military recognizes a religion about spaghetti. Well maybe not recognized but it was on a list of religions that was passed out. It is called the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Seriously look it up. I sure hope someone stops him. I hate to think about the numerous lives that this idiot is putting in danger just saying that he is going to do this. He will receive his reward in heaven if someone does not give him a "reward" on earth..

1 comment:

Kathy C said...

That guy is just as dangerous as the extremist/terrorists you are fighting over there. Praying for your and all the other soldiers who protect our freedoms. Sorry that guy is abusing your sacrifice.