Saturday, June 11, 2005

Desert Tan

In flight the mesquite green will turn to ocean blue and then once again to desert tan.
The first leg of our journey took us to Budapest Hungry then on to Kuwait. After 9 hours in the air we were not permitted to get off the plane. Man my butt hurts.
The speaker on the aircraft rings out “welcome to Kuwait” a long moan from all of the GIs on board drowning out most of what the Captain said next. “Ground time in Kuwait is 7:45 (pm) and the temperature in the shade is 105. WE’RE BAACK!!!!!!!!!!

Hot late and tired two day beard growing and we wait. Then go time again. The reality of return growing ever apparent as I get my Flack vest and helmet issued back to me. The air is like a gust of heat that hits you when you open the oven door. Hot and dry. My eyes have turned back to a deep shade of red a combination of lack of sleep and blowing dust.
Ever constant in my thoughts were family Rosario Russ and Todd . We celebrated Todds 8th birthday the day before I left. I paid him lots of attention as Russ is grown and he is now a man.(almost) I realized while I was away the for the first 5 months that I did not pay enough attention to Todd and that in my opinion he had almost grown up without a dad. Not at home alot and when I was I did not listen to him or spend time with him. I hope that God will let me return so I can make up for lost time as much as possible. The tear-filled eyes and sad faces of the recent Good-bye flashed in and out as thoughts of my future loomed before me. I try to think of what I can do to support my family and never spend this much time away again. As I ponder my future I analyze the past wondering am who I am and good enough to be something or some one else. If a career change is in my future would it be one of the biggest mistakes that I would ever make.

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