Thursday, June 16, 2005


Well finally managed to shake off the feelings of desparation and sadness. It took about a week. Once I finally opened my eyes to see the world here instead of imagining that I was in the world there I started to notice that I had some new roommates. One of which was a Gecko. One afternoon I went to my room to grab my pillow off my bed and there he was. He opened his mouth and stared at me as if to say " you were away for two weeks and this is my pillow now." I scared him away not wanting to harm him because they eat spiders and other things that I do not want as roommates. This morning after my run I took my usual long hot shower and went to my room to change. I was digging in my sock drawer when out of the corner of my eye I saw something move right beside my foot. Upon further investigation that made me jump way back I noted in was a scorpion. It was about the size of a quarter but with his tail laid down he was much longer. I however did not see him with his tail laid down. I think I may have stepped on it with my shower shoes and then moved to reveal one pissed off creature. After talking with the Medics and comparing him to the chart it turns out that it was a not one of the deadly ones that one would worry about. However while in Texas I did see my oldest son get stung by one of these things and let me tell you I do not want anything to do with them dead or alive. This one I assure you died an honorable death at the bottom of a 9 wide combat boot.

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