Sunday, June 19, 2005

Half empty no it's frozen

I recieved an email today and it started me thinking about life. The email was from a relative in Austin whom I have never met. In the email she wrote of her neighbor. The following is an excerpt from this email.

He was moving away and leaving a very high-stress job. He had played a big role in his company's success. I said they must be so sorry to lose him and that they would have a very hard time filling his shoes. He said no, it's like pulling your finger out of a glass of water. There's a hole for only a nanosecond, and then it's like you were never there.

My responce to this email was not unlike my responce to life. We are only here for a little while. Unlike the analogy above I would like to think that I will have touched some one in this life that will leave a lasting mark. My adjustment to the analogy is as follows. I compare this to having my finger in a glass of water and freezing the water. It leaves a finger print. This is my fingerprint on society. It will eventually melt away but if I leave a mark it will last a while. Is this Blog my mark on soceity or will my mark be through my children. God creates all people different and in one way or another we all leave that frozen mark on society that in time melts away.

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