Monday, August 15, 2005

Bad Habits Form

Well It has been, I don’t know how long since I had a dip. I have not had a patch on my arm in several days now. I am beginning to think that I have finally quit for good. Problem is when you give up one bad habit you seem to develop others. I am up to a pack a day. My mouth gets dry, my lips twitch and the desire to have a dip is just so overwhelming. So I open a pack and by days end it is gone. I know that this habit is just as bad for me as the other but there are just some habits that are so hard to quit. So I guess now I will need to cut back on that habit because it is making my jaws sore. I am talking about chewing gum what did you think I was talking about. Gotcha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so funny. You had me that time!