Thursday, August 11, 2005

Quick Trip

Finally late last night after talking to my wife(mother-n-law is in the hospital again), I laid my head down and fell fast asleep. It was about 1 am when I was awakened by my room mate who told me that my clerk had arrived at the airport. She had been home on R and R for the last two weeks. So I got dressed fired up the Hummv and made my way to the airport. This place is kind of peaceful at night when things don’t go boom. Just as I get fully relaxed it hits me that I am in a combat zone and not on a leisurely drive to DFW airport. Fully aware of my surroundings I stepped a little harder on the gas and was a little more cautious on the trip. The airport is in the “safe Zone” I thought but any more my definition of safe is not the same as other peoples. From start to finish with some driving techniques learned by watching too much NASCAR I made the full trip there and back in 1 hour 10 minutes. I even had enough time to miss my turn into the airport. Hopefully tonight will be a full night of uninterrupted sleep. I tell you I think I slept better when I was using the patch than I have in a while. Restless Nights in this country are common place and the soldiers talk of it all of the time. How can one be so tired yet not be able to sleep?

1 comment:

Mike B. said...

> How can one be so tired yet not be able to sleep?

No matter how tired the body is, an active mind can keep the body awake. In the past, I've been awake for days at a time like that. Not good for body or mind.
