Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Out of Office Reply"

As I sit on the tarmack at the "airport" I think back on the fears that I carried when I arrived in this country. I had a fear of flying on a military aircraft, with all of the military flights that I have been on since arrival this is just another plane ride. I was afraid of death but have come to realize that this fear is not necessary because in death I can achieve "Eternal Life". As the plane learched forward and builds to a take off speed I look out the window into the dark Iraq night. I wonder if this could be my last trip. The walls had closed in completely and I had to get out. The only trip that I look forward to is the trip home to be with family. For security reasons we cannot say when this day will come but I do not think that anyone knows for sure. All I know is one day I will return home.

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