Friday, July 08, 2005

Hodgie wearing Haynes

Well one thing that was nice here was laundry service. You can just put all of your stuff in a bag and turn it in to be washed. It is nice especially in these times with the water shortages. It is our option to inventory all items and list each item or just turn it in bulk. I have always chosen the bulk route as I HAD no reason to not trust these people. I started to notice several weeks back that I was low on my white running socks. I did not bring all the same kind. I brought some mid calf and some ankle socks. Now it seems that I am down to one pair of ankle socks and still have my mid calf socks. I think the folks doing our laundry have taken a liking to my Haynes socks. I as well liked my socks. Now I be there are 7 or 8 hodgies walking around with my socks on. I am quite sure they needed them more than I did but I would have gladly donated or even bought some to give to them so I would know that they would be taken care of without shorting me. Guess I will make my way to the PX and buy some more running socks. I wonder what else they have taken from me through the months I have spent here. Maybe I should start a clothing drive or something.

1 comment:

Mike B. said...

What size socks are those? (making notes)