Saturday, July 09, 2005

No Sir, Thank You!!!

A Chief Warrant Officer, US Army Intelligence [retired] wrote this. He said that he had read much of my blog with interest, compassion, and understanding and in his case with far too many reminders of his experiences in Vietnam [1970-1971]. This is a quote from him "Your Mom asked about our [my] feelings with your serving in Iraq so honorably for our great country. You are to me a fellow comrade-in-arms, such camaraderie rather difficult for me to try to explain to your Mom. Just know your kin are so proud of you Jay! Thank you for your service! I am looking forward to someday meeting you and your family personally. May God take care of you!”

As I sat and read his message a tear began to form. You see I know what our country did to my "comrades-in-arms" upon their return from this particular war. It should be me telling him that I appreciate his service to OUR country. There is an unexplainable bond between all soldiers or former soldiers. Though many things change in the different generations of soldiers some things remain set in stone. The bond between soldiers is not soon forgotten and in many cases is Never forgotten. This bond is passed from generation to generation without being taught or explained. Sometimes the services seem to have a type of competition between them. You know which service is the best and that kind of thing. For example while on active duty we used to make fun of the long haired overweight National Guardsman but here we are all soldiers. Now being a Guard soldier I understand the differences. The British, the Australians we are all the same here to accomplish one job and will be till it is over. Here it is not who is the best but a combined force of soldiers focused and determined to get it done..

What I really wanted to say by all of this is "Sir don't thank me for what I do, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow up a free country without fear. Thank you for your service to OUR great nation. I salute YOU, and all other Veterans of the Military for without you I could not be Me.

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