Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Old man Running

This morning we had another Physical Training Test. Since my first days in the Military I have set high goals for myself in this area. I have always tried to pass this test at the 19 year old age group.(1988 standards) That means 42 pushups and 52 situps in two minutes and a 2 mile runtime of less than 1554. THis morning I felt age holding me down for the pushups and situps. Another goal that I had set for myself was to not quit until time was called. This is becoming tougher and tougher. As I heard the count on the situps I came to realize that my goal would not be achieved, a combination of no PT for my three weeks that I was home and the authentic enchiladas that I gorged myself on while home, I pulled more with my hands that with the stomach muscles targeted during situps. THis is when I felt it. A sharp pain from the back of my neck down my left side behind my shoulder blade. I managed 47 which at my age is passing but not my standard. Thankfully I had already done the pushups and only had the run to worry about. The pain seemed to subside a bit so I felt good to go. "Ready, set, go," My first 200 yards or so I set off in a dead sprint as I always do. This seems to improve my pace as well as my runtime. I noticed that I had a Lieutenant on my tail and I thought that there is no way I will let him outrun me. At the one mile turn around I noted that he seemed to be gaining on me so I stepped it out a little. Crossing the line at 1556 ahead of the LT or course. I circled and set out to pace my soldier. I noticed at the turn around that she had chosen to run with some one who does not usually do well on the test and something told me that she needed a quicker pace. I was right because when we crossed the line she was 9 seconds from passing. After walking it off a bit I got on my bike and rode home thinking only of more coffee and oatmeal(I love oatmeal). Sitting on the couch in front of the TV I felt the pain begin again. It was not long before holding my head up seemed to be a chore. I decided to go on Sick call and see if they had something to help. Tonight I will take a Muscle relaxer if the pain does not subside. The medic told me that it would make me "Loopy" and that I should wait till bedtime to take it. On my way back I begin to think that if I take this and am completly out of it and someone comes over the wall what would I do. My Mind quickly took me to an Andy Griffith episode when Barney shot himself in the foot. That would be very funny years later but not too funny right now. I guess that my old military body is starting to complain. Hopefully I will not need this pill as I do not take pills of any kind except my vitamins and an occasional aspirin when needed. Only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

You're only as old as you think you are...crack up to good food and being home for two weeks! You're still in much better shape than lots of people I know! Sheri

Anonymous said...


Pops is changing web servers. When he's done, I'll get the photos working agian.


Mike B. said...


I moved your photos to a webserver I have access to. Photos are working agian.
