Saturday, July 23, 2005

Return of Jesus Part II?

What is going on in the world today? Attacks in London then again and now Eygpt. Who are these terrorists and where do they come from? People willing to kill themselves and take others with them. Maybe we should not call them terrorists. They do strike terror in people but they usually don't live through it. I had a name for them but I probably should not put it here. Maybe we can call them suicidal bombers or ummm maybe cowards. They are in such a hurry to see their God so why don't they all get together and send each other and leave the rest of the world alone. I am thinking about buying a Koran before I leave here. I just want to see where it says to kill as many people as you can and you will be rewarded it heaven that they think they are going to or hell. The begining of the end. That does not sound right but unfortunately I believe it is right. I have read Revelations but for the most part did not understand it. I am begining to believe that this is turning into a religious war. Not the one we fight here but a combined war being fought by many countries throughout the world. The world is going to the dogs. Colorado on fire people missing fathers stabbing their own children and the temperatures in the world rising every year. As I sit and listen to a mother tell the murderer of her daughter that she wants him to disappear into an abyss and never be heard seen or prayed for by anyoneever again, I wonder what will happen tomorrow. Is the entire world headed in this direction. I am not much on biblical quotations but I know that God leveled cities in scripture for sins less than the ones being carried out throughout the world today. Now I do believe that no sin is greater than another but there has to be a line. It is said that "he who is without sin cast the first stone". I live life like that but......but there should be a line. Killing, attempted murder, suicide bombings should be listed above all. These are crimes againist God as well as man, but if you don't believe in God..........then what. A sign I read at a church said it best. It said "Get Right or Get Left." Since God controls everything then will armagedon be his way of cleansing his people once again. The movie with Bruce Willis comes to mind as well. Does anyone think that we could stop something like that? Another question is would we want to?

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