Saturday, April 30, 2005


Today was my birthday. As my wife put 36 years ago God made something special for her. Today started off in a terrible way. It seems that a couple of E-8 who do not comunicate with each other very well got into a heated discussion over some decisions made to better take care of our soldiers. Of course shit rolls down hill so I was on the recieving end of lots of it. Tired worn out and pissed off I went to chow and talked with some friends. They were trying to get me to play dominos with them as I had done for the last 3 Fridays in a row. I did not want to go I just wanted to sit back and think about the dumb stuff that had happened earlier in the day. After some twisting of my arm I decided to go after-all these are my true friends here. Upon arrival we played several hands of dominos and I got up from the table and when I returned someone said "let's do it now". From around the corner the Lt brought a cake with happy birthday SSG B on it.(Biggerstaff would not fit) It was a wonderful suprise that not only did they remember but they called another Camp and asked the cooks there to prepare a cake for me. The cake was delicious. IT is incredible that when you seem to be down the most and family is not around that your friends no your True Friends come to the rescue. This was not my best birthday by far but it is one that I will not soon forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy B-lated birtyday Jay. I'm thinking of you always.

Love, your brother,