Saturday, April 16, 2005

Supply Run

Today I had to go on another supply run. The place we go to pick up supplies is under constant mortar fire. They cannot seem to locate those responsible for these attacks. One girl recounted of a recent mortar attack saying that one landed right beside her and broke into pieces. It did not go off or she would have gone home possible in a flag draped box. I really don’t like these days but it must be done at a minimum of three times a week. This is where all of the troubles always surface it seems. After dropping off the requests and picking up supplies we got back in the truck and tried to start it up but off course it did not start. We have been having some troubles with it for a while. Being a former mechanic I know that the main thing one must have is cables. We hooked up the cables and flagged down the nearest Hummv for help. It of course started right up. We hauled butt out of there just like we have done for some 4 months now. It is important as a leader not to send my troops into a place that I would not go so I make it a point to ride along at a minimum of twice a week.

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