Friday, April 01, 2005

Lets kill another tree shall we

Lets kill another Tree shall we.
The military writes re-writes and re-does it again. Why? I have come to believe that Army Regulations are worthless. They can be superceded by anyone with the knowledge to write an SOP or a Memorandum. In the earlier years the Regs were more than just guidelines to follow. They were Gospel. Now you cannot find anything out by just reading the Reg alone. So many SOPs and local policies govern things it is a wonder that we get anything done at all. It is like re-creating the wheel every time something happens. Some would let people fall on their face rather than help, and some would rather screw-up royally than take advice from some one else. Unit used to be characterized as unity one family but now it seems like it is all for themselves. What’s next?

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