Tuesday, April 05, 2005

First Encounter

First Encounter
“What the hell is he doing?” the driver says out loud as a man steps into the street ahead of him. There were six passengers in the NTV (non-tactical vehicle). As they approached vehicles on the side of the road one man walked out in front of them waving his arms to stop. There were about six of them behind two Toyota trucks. They slowed their approach, as an uneasy feeling came over all in the vehicle they all began to chamber rounds. The driver then saw it a machine gun coming around to take aim at their vehicle. “Go go go”, he said as he swerved to miss the man in the road. He had made it passed and the others in the convoy followed suit. Was this an attempted car jacking or was this our first encounter with terrorists? In the big book on terrorism did we pass the test or fail? They were not ready but they would not go without a fight. You would think that during a war they would have enough rounds to support all troops while deployed but on this particular night they were only carrying about 10 rounds per vehicle. What would they have done if the driver would have stopped and they would have opened fire?

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