Friday, April 01, 2005


InterpreterI met an Iraqi today. As a soldier looking from the outside in the people of Iraq all seem like heartless insurgents. A hatred developed for these people with the death of Johnny. It is almost like a slow prejudice for a people who I really do not know. With the be-headings of several civilians and other personnel in Iraq the hatred grew until today. These are just people trying to survive. They do not necessarily want our help but I believe they need our help. I am sure that some of the Iraqi people also believe that we are doing some good over there, but with the international incidents like Abu Grab and the killing of an unarmed insurgent it has really seemed to put more people against us. The interpreter spoke to us. He watched a movie with us. During this movie US soldiers murdered lots of people. This made me feel uneasy. I do not know why or have any explanation for my feelings. It just seemed as if we were telling him that this is the way all Americans operate. I finally decided that it was not worth feeling that way and left him to watch the movie alone. Prior to the movie, we asked how to say certain words in his language, like stop, hello and short phrases to help in confrontations. In his eyes it seemed that he just wanted some peace for his people. Does he understand that we are trying to bring them such peace? Or would he turn against us once he returned to his own soil. I think not, but I have always been one to find good in people. Being married to a Hispanic woman for going on 16 years I have heard the prejudice from people who do not even know the definition of prejudice, and from people who you would never expect. My oldest son has been told on several occasions that, “My dad or mom will not let me date a Hispanic”. Is this society so blind that it would rather alter the definition of a word rather than admit that they are what they are? I do not remember asking for their permission to marry out of my race, and have not read any where in the Bible that tells me that it is wrong. I know what prejudice is Do you? My definition of prejudice is judging some one by something other than who they are. People are good and people are bad. My theory is that all races have good and bad and God created them all.

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