Friday, April 01, 2005

No Fear

No Fear
During the day I keep up my Attitude I show no weakness. Never back down for fear of losing face in front of my troops. It seems almost wrong to say, but I would rather take a beating than lose face in front of the soldiers I train with. They need to see a leader, a soldier and then a friend not a coward. As time progresses I become a confidant, some one to come to with problems, problems with life, problems with home or just plain problems. I help when I can and direct them to help when I cannot. As an NCO with years of experience the troops look to me for guidance. But do I really know what to do? Am I a real NCO or just another good Ol’ boy, who got promoted by Friends and not by the rules? As I stand back and watch the other NCOs I feel as if I missed something. I realize that we all went to different schools and were taught different things but did I retain any leadership from the schools I attended some ten years ago. Am I an NCO of the same stature as the NCOs who I respect?

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