Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Wall

The Wall
A ten to twelve-foot wall has replaced the thoughts of the wire. I have not been outside of this wall. Once when we first got here I saw over it from a tower but other than that it is like a prison that you cannot escape from and in some ways do not want to escape from. I am now starting to have a desire to see the other side of the wall. I want to know what it is like on the other side of the wall. Are they all trying to kill us or is it just a few. People who venture to the outside tell me that most people are happy to see us. I see the Few, who do not want us here, as a bunch of drunks in their back yards laughing and shooting mortars at us over the wall. Before I leave this desolate God forsaken land I will venture outside the wall to see what we are here for. I do not question the reason just want to know that we are doing some good here. Will this be something that family would understand? Probably not but as a soldier some things that do not make sense to others make sense to Us.

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