Friday, April 01, 2005

The wall

The Wall
Any military member who has been deployed can tell you about the proverbial wall. The wall is a point you reach when you just do not care anymore. Almost as if living and dieing does not matter, this being the most drastic incident when hitting the wall. If training is not to standard and all you do is sit and watch or train on something even though you know it is wrong then you are headed that direction. A soldier who has hit the wall could not give a damn about anything that goes on. They sit and wonder off in their own head blocking out all reality. I have been to this wall on several different occasions. It is like driving in a tunnel without a light. Try thinking of all the problems you have or have had in your life and then multiple by ten, then sit in a dark room and ponder all of these problems and shut out everything else. Some people hit this wall when they loose a close friend or fellow soldier. This wall can stop the mission if left alone. It is the responsibility of all soldiers to recognize someone who has hit this wall and try to bring the soldier back to reality. Anyone can do this if they approach the issues with care. It is kind of like marriage counseling. It is not a good idea to tell someone what you would do in their particular situation rather to help them reach their own decision through encouragement and perhaps relating some personal experiences to help.

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